Great Subs @ SUBMARINA - Hemet
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds to help prevent getting sick and spreading illness to others.  If soap and water are not available use an alcohol-based product to clean your hands.

How to wash your hands.

1.  Use warm running water and soap.

2.  Lather up - scrub all hand surfaces(front, back, between your fingers, wrists and under nails) for 20 seconds.

3.  Rinse well.

4.  Dry with a clean towel.


When should you wash your hands?

1.  Before preparing or eating food.

2.  After going to the bathroom.

3.  After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has gone to the bathroom.

4.  Before and after tending to someone who is sick.

5.  After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.

6.  After handling an animal or animal waste.

7.  After handling garbage.

8.  Before and after treating a cut or wound.


When using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer:

1.  Apply product to the palm of one ahnd.

2.  Rub hands together.

3.  Rub the product over all surfaces of hands and fingers until hands are dry.



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